Dr. Pankaj Naram Secret Remedies
Siddha Veda is a tradition that enriches the lives of those who discover its ancient treasures and remedies. As one of the world’s oldest health-care system — it continues to grow because it works in bringing Vibrant Health, Unlimited Energy & Peace of Mind. With origins of Master Healer Pankaj Dr. Naram’s lineage dating back over 2,500+ years, these remedies are based on one guiding principle: address the root cause of an ailment rather than its symptoms. Once the root cause or blockage is understood, balance can be restored through a combination of remedies & other Ancient Secrets instruments, and symptoms often then disappear naturally.
This work and remedies are promoted by organizations around the world as a safe and effective means of correcting common wellness problems. Growing numbers of universities, wellness professionals, health-care specialists, medical doctors, and wellness institutions are learning Dr. Pankaj Naram Secret Remedies, Ancient Secrets. They are funding research about these powerful & effective remedies & protocols.
[Having said this, as outlined in the Important Disclaimer below, it is important to remember that any information and statements on this website (or any related email you receive) regarding things such as diet, home remedies, lifestyle or dietary supplements are not evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any other similar agencies in other states or countries. Our products are Natural Dietary or Traditional Food Supplements and not ‘scheduled’ pharmaceutical medicines. They do not contain controlled substances. By law, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All products are vegetarian, gluten free, always tested thoroughly for heavy metals & bacteria, and use only the highest quality fresh herbs, combined in a very clean, modern facility according to the ancient formulation given in the Siddha-Veda lineage. All information from us is provided for educational and inspirational purposes only and is not to replace the advice of your medical doctor, nor should be construed as medical advice. We are not advising you to discontinue the use of prescription medication without consultation with your physician. Any videos of people sharing their experiences and results are their personal views, results can vary (i.e. depending on quantity, duration, body type, your discipline with recommended diet, lifestyle, and many factors). Our purpose is simply to share education about the ancient art and science of Siddha-Veda for improving your wellness, as it has done for thousands and thousands of people from around the world for thousands of years. We hope you enjoy your experience with us, and that you enjoy learning about the principles of the Ancient Siddha-Veda Secrets, and can follow more from us on Dr. Naram’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeVxCH9pbzPR-SRtFE-kVA.]
Siddha Veda suggests that there are three primary qualities or principles that govern every human body
These principles are called doshas (Pita, Vata, and Kapha), which are derived from the five elements: earth, air, water, fire, and space. It is the doshas that regulate all actions of the body. While the doshas are balanced, we experience good health, vitality, ease, strength, flexibility and emotional well-being. If the doshas fall out of balance, and/or we accumulate Aam (toxins), then we experience energy loss, discomfort, pain, mental or emotional instability and, ultimately, disease.
Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram and the wellness specialists he has trained work with the whole person according to these ancient principles and remedies that create harmony in body, mind, emotions and spirit, thereby restoring optimal health. This approach is natural and preventative. It provides simple, effective means to increase energy, enthusiasm, and tranquility.
You can now click on the links below, for specific Dr. Pankaj Naram Secret Remedies to deal with imbalances in the body, mind, and emotions. [Food, Diet, & Digestion Secrets (Weight Loss, Etc); SECRETS For Healthy Lungs, Throat & Breathing; SECRETS For Healthy Joints & Back; SECRETS For Healthy Brain & Emotion; SECRETS For Sex & Fertility; SECRETS For Healthy, Fulfilled Children; SECRETS For Healthy Heart & Blood; SECRETS For Great Skin & Hair; SECRETS For Healthy Eyes & Ears; SECRETS For Energy, Immunity, & Sound Sleep; SECRETS For Life Purpose]More Secrets will be added soon — and/or you can learn more at AncientSecretsAcademy.com
- SECRETS for Energy, Immunity, & Sound Sleep
- Food, Diet, & Digestion Secrets (Weight Loss, etc)
- SECRETS for Great Skin & Hair
- SECRETS for Healthy Brain & Emotion
- SECRETS for Healthy Heart & Blood
- SECRETS for Healthy Joints & BackSECRETS for Healthy Lungs, Throat & Breathing
- SECRETS for Healthy, Fulfilled Children
- SECRETS for Life Purpose
- SECRETS for Sex & Fertility
- SECRETS Healthy Joints and Back